January 31st mailing from KDADS

Don’t let Kansan with I/DD get tripped up by the Jan. 31 KDADS mailing packet! Important information!

PLEASE SHARE THIS WIDELY WITH self-advocates, case managers, parents, guardians, agency supports and natural supports.  We will follow this up with a brochure further explaining the rights for people on the “underserved” waiting list.     

The Jan. 31, 2013, mailing from KDADS to every Kansan on the DD “underserved” wait list has some questions that may confuse, trip up or harm the rights of the person with I/DD waiting for services.  Don’t let this assessment form be used to deny services those who have patiently waited on this  “underserved” list.  Here is what people on the “underserved” waiting list need to know:   


1.       MOST IMPORTANT – If at all possible, anyone on the “underserved” waiting list MUST check the “NO” box after the statement “All my needs are being met.”  Even if someone decides that they want their services for which they are “underserved” to start well into the future, they need to mark “NO” to the statement “All my  needs are being met.”  If they don’t answer “NO,” this can be used against them.  To preserve their future rights, we advise people to answer “NO” to this statement. 


2.       Unless there are special circumstances that would cause you to delay the start of the I/DD waiver services you have been waiting for, we generally advise that people should request that the services start “In the Next 30 Days.”  You can always negotiate a later start date as part of your service plan.  It is strange that the only options are to have services start in the next 30 days, in the next year, or more than one year.


3.       These forms need to be returned to KDADS has by March 1, 2014. They can be sent by email ([email protected]) fax (785-296-0256 ATTN: HCBS-IDD Waiting List) or mail (KDADS HCBS-IDD Waiting List, New England Building, 503 S Kansas Ave., Topeka KS 66603). A delay in submitting the form could cause a greater delay in receiving the additional services.


4.       Contact the Disability Rights Center of Kansas for questions about your right to get off the “underserved” waiting list, by phone at 1-877-776-1541.  Website: www.DRCKansas.org


A copy of the Jan. 31, 2014, mailing from the State of Kansas can be found here:



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