Special Day at the K! September 30th, 2018

The Royal’s and Rex and Jennifer Hudler’s Team Up for Down Syndrome are hosting their annual “Special Day at the K” Sunday, September 30, 2018, honoring Debbie Horn of Inclusion Connections.

At this years event the Royal’s will take on the Cleveland Indians at 2:15 p.m. Tickets will be available to purchase online only at www.royals.com/specialday. Specific seats have been blocked off for this event and wheelchair seating is limited. Proceeds will benefit Inclusion Connections and the Kansas City Area Special Needs community, only if tickets are purchased from this website.

Rex and Jennifer Hudler’s Team Up For Down Syndrome benefits housing, health, education, job training, family counseling and other worthwhile causes. Visit our website for more details at www.teamupfordownsyndrome.org

2018 SDK Flyer pdf