Come SOAR With Us

I am excited to introduce you to a great new company that may be of great service to your family, Emma’s Place for Exceptional Children! Emma’s Place for Exceptional Children provides therapeutic childcare services for students K-12 anywhere in the KC Metro area. They will be opening very soon, please see the attached enrollment and informational flyer for details about services available and contact information.  Come celebrate with them at their upcoming Open House, Saturday, 2/24/18, from 10am-2pm onsite at Emma’s Place – 12635 Hemlock Street Overland Park KS 66203. For more information click HERE. SOAR welcomes them to the community!!!

Our next SOAR Mom’s Bunco Night is tomorrow, Friday, Feb 9th from 630-9pm in room 30 downstairs at Grace Church – OP. Bring your favorite snack and $5 and have a night of laughter, talking with other moms and just time to relax! If you absolutely can’t afford $5, come anyway! Please bring your own drink (non-alcoholic please). Prizes for the biggest winner, biggest loser and most Buncos! Know other moms with super special kids? Bring them along! You don’t have to attend Grace to join us! No childcare available. This is open to ANY mom with a child with special needs!

Save the date! The Blue Valley Special Needs Resource Fair is on Feb 27, 2018 from 5-8pm at the Hilltop Campus at 7700 W 143rd St, OP, KS, 66223. SOAR will provide child care for everyone who attends. This event is FREE and open to the public. This is for anyone who lives in the GREATER KC area as over 80 vendors will be sharing with you information on camps, equipment, services, resources, entertainment, and much more! Don’t miss out!

The registration for SOAR R&R on Feb 23, 2018 from 6-9pm with an Olympics Theme is open and has a wait list! You can sign up by clicking HERE!  Our siblings will be having a great night of swimming at Blue Valley Rec!!! You will need to log in to register from now on, this will help prevent errors with registration. Please remember to register EACH person ONE at a time! You are unable to register ALL of your kids on ONE screen.

With the new year,  you will also need to complete a new Plan of Care and a Consent which I have attached. Please complete this and email it to [email protected].

Our SOAR Camp – SOAR Ninja Warrior will be July 16-20, 2018 and registration will open after Spring Break. Please be watching your emails.

Come SOAR with us!