Helpers Inc
Our next SOAR Mom’s Bunco night will be tomorrow, Friday, May 19, 2017 from 630-9pm in room 30 at Grace Church – OP. Bring your favorite snack and $5 and have a night of laughter, talking with other moms and just time to relax! If you absolutely can’t afford $5, come anyway! Please bring your own drink (non-alcoholic please). Prizes for biggest winner, biggest loser, and most BUNCOS! Know other moms with super special kids? Bring them along! You don’t have to attend Grace to join us! No childcare available. This is open to ANY mom with a child with special needs.

Also, don’t forget the following events:

·  Grace Church Weekend services, both OP and Olathe campuses – OP with 5 services and Olathe with 2 services every weekend! – RSVP at [email protected].